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The final episode of a four-part series of the Heartbeat of Humanity podcast reflecting on the impacts of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamis is now published.
20 November, marks World Children’s Day 2024 at a time of increasing global challenges and crises.
Role plays are a powerful tool that can provide insight and depth during a learning process. However, effectively utilizing and facilitating role plays can be a challenge for even the most experienced facilitators. This guidance is written specifically to support facilitators in the effective use of role plays in training on mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS).
The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has a significant place in history and remains a key-event in the humanitarian world. The 34th edition came at a time when challenges across the globe are more severe and urgent than ever before - with armed conflict, emergencies and disasters impacting populations across the globe.
The latest episode in the podcast series ‘Think Sport. Think Refuge.’ from the Olympic Refuge Foundation (ORF) explores how sports can support the global mandate for refugee protection.
Dans cet épisode de Heartbeat of Humanity, Arz Stephan, conseiller technique SMSPSS, s’entretient avec Ahlem Cheffi, conseillère technique de SMSPS, sur les concepts de « dilemme éthique » et de « blessure morale » et sur leur impact sur les travailleurs humanitaires, y compris le personnel et les bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, qui font souvent partie des premiers intervenants.
The Toolkit/Guide ‘A Hopeful, Healthy and Happy Living and Learning’ was presented in the context of a webinar on 17 June developed as part of the EU funded MENTALITY project piloting established and promising mental health practices with a focus on education in Europe.
In this episode Communication Officer at the IFRC PS Centre, Villads Zahle interviews project manager, Erni Kristiansen and project consultant, Bebbie Petersen about youth to youth Psychological First Aid (PFA) in Greenland.
Amid ongoing violence and unrest in the occupied territories, the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) staff and volunteers are providing safety and support for children.
In 2023, the PS Centre responded to 2,504 requests for assistance from 137 countries including 1,416 requests from organizations within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. PS Centre staff and management participated in 50 international fora as host, facilitator, presenter, speaker or participant and had 36 academic collaborations with 10 universities and 59 organizations.
The PS Centre has released five regional progress reports on the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. The five regions are Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Submit a progress report to the MHPSS resolution and promote your National Society’s work – watch the step-by-step video on how to submit the report.
The IFRC Psychosocial Centre is looking for a new MHPSS in Emergencies Specialist to take over the role of Co-Chairing the IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG) alongside the WHO.
Many humanitarian workers including colleagues from Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) have been killed or injured in Gaza. They lost their lives trying to assist a civilian population suffering from bombings, chain displacement and a dire humanitarian situation.
Children need information that is carefully crafted to cater to their age group and preferences. Without these tailored materials, they might not understand or could misunderstand essential information that supports their protection and access to vital services.
While there is no doubt humanity is alive and well in the hearts of the millions of RCRC representatives across the globe it is equally true that the challenges we face have never been more severe. RCRC staff and volunteers are providing support and assistance whenever needed, wherever needed, whatever the cause of the needs and however its possible to meet them – and the sad truth is these efforts are in high demand.