Mental Health in Emergency Training, Copenhagen June 2022.
The MHPSS Hub helps Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies develop the capacity to provide PS services at the community level in areas affected by catastrophic events and armed conflicts.
Operational support concerns more direct involvement in the design, set up, monitoring, and evaluation of PSS. As the name suggests, this type of support is related to ‘operations’ and (emergency or development) programmes implemented in the field. Assistance in organising a PSS Emergency Response Unit (ERU) deployment, or field Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of long-term projects are good examples of operational support activities.
Both forms of support are relevant in emergency settings where the work of the Centre also includes providing assistance to the IFRC ERUs, i.e. recommending suitable participants for emergency assessment missions (FACT), and facilitating the deployment of the ERU PSS component when this is relevant.
Mental health and psychosocial support in Emergencies
Emergencies are often the catalyst for National Societies to start engaging in mental health and psychosocial support activities. After the response phase, activities are adjusted and developed further to carry them over to future disasters and in recovery and development programmes. Providing technical and operational support to National Societies in emergencies thus often has a scope that reaches far beyond the immediate crisis.
Capacity-building, supportive supervision, and National Society Development approaches
The Movement Hub focus on training of trainers, creating spaces for reflective practices after trainings/workshops, and supporting National Societies to develop relevant supervision systems for volunteers. The Movement Hub provides on-demand mentoring and technical support to National Societies and IFRC offices. A supportive supervision approach is tailored to the volunteers and staff of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies.
Who we are
What we do
Focus Areas
Red Cross Red Crescent Movement MHPSS Hub Hejrevej 30, st. 2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark