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IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain visits the PS Centre

COVID-19 has exposed MHPSS as a truly global issue. It touches every country and all populations. For the Red Cross Red Crescent, the largest humanitarian network in the world, it is important that we scale up our MHPSS engagement.

On a two-day visit to the Danish Red Cross, Jagan also found time to meet PS Centre director Nana Wiedemann and selected staff members. In an engaged conversation, the future role of the PS Centre and the importance of global MHPSS interventions within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement were discussed.

The scar that will be left behind by this crisis on the mental health of the population would, unfortunately, be very long lasting.

Later that day, Jagan was interviewed in Deadline, a Danish national news magazine, where he explained how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world, from compromised health systems to the long lasting socioeconomic and mental health impacts.

Watch IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain in Deadline

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