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Terms of reference for the Movement MHPSS Hub

The Interim Steering Committee and Interim Task Force
Technical Review 2024
New Steering Committee for the Movement MHPSS Hub
Terms of reference for the Movement MHPSS Hub
Strategy & Policy
Terms of Reference for The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement MHPSS Hub
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Functions of the Movement MHPSS Hub

The main functions of the Movement MHPSS Hub include providing technical support and capacity development for National Societies, the IFRC, and the ICRC; generating and sharing MHPSS knowledge; and conducting related policy and advocacy work. These functions are supported by communication and the dissemination of tools and approaches across various platforms.

The Movement MHPSS Hub will not be involved in program implementation. Each component of the Movement will operate independently, according to its respective roles and mandates.

The mandate of the MHPSS Hub

The Movement MHPSS Hub is mandated to ensure that the Movement continue advancing on effectively promoting, preventing, and responding to global MHPSS needs, with the ambition to make MHPSS a right for everyone, alleviating human suffering and promoting mental health, psychosocial wellbeing, and resilience of individuals (including volunteers and staff), and communities at all times, as per the Movement MHPSS Resolution and Policy on addressing mental health and psychosocial needs (Resolution 5 Council of Delegates 2019). The Movement MHPSS Hub will help the Movement in making MHPSS a right for everyone.