The Interim Steering Committee and Interim Task Force
Technical Review 2024
New Steering Committee for the Movement MHPSS Hub
Terms of reference for the Movement MHPSS Hub
The transformation process aims to expand geographical representation and increase the participation of more National Societies (NSs) in shaping the Hub’s work and direction. To support this, a new Steering Committee (SC) and Advisory Group (AG) will be established.
The nomination process for the Steering Committee was completed in mid-October 2024, with representatives selected from National Societies that expressed interest, alongside members from the founding entities: Danish Red Cross, ICRC, and IFRC. The National Societies represented on the new SC include Australia, Kenya, Mexico, Sweden, and Syria.
The SC will begin its work in January 2025, with its inaugural meeting planned for late February 2025. The new Advisory Group will be appointed by the Steering Committee later in 2025.
The responsibilities of the SC include, but are not limited to:
Adopting the policies and strategies for the Movement MHPSS Hub.
Approving all policy statements of the Movement MHPSS Hub.
Reviewing and providing advice on the Movement MHPSS Hub’s advocacy efforts.
Adopting the annual work plan and budget and supervise its implementation.
Approving the narrative and financial reports.
Approving any formal partnerships with third parties.
Establishing the fundraising policies and rules.
The new Steering Committee is composed of 8 representatives plus an appointed non-voting member from the Advisory Group:
Permanent members:
One permanent representative from the IFRC, as designated by the IFRC Secretary General,
One permanent representative from the DRC, as designated by the DRC Secretary-General,
One permanent representative of the ICRC, as designated by the ICRC Director-General.
Representatives elected for a 4-year period:
One representative from a National Society from the AFRICA region,
One representative from a National Society from the MENA/NAME region,
One representative from a National Society from the ASIA/PACIFIC region,
One representative from a National Society from the AMERICAS region,
One representative from a National Society from the EUROPE region.
For the first four years, representatives from the following National Societies have been nominated: Kenya, Syria, Australia, Mexico, and Sweden.
Non-voting member:
One National Society member of the Advisory Group will be elected by the Advisory Group from amongst its members to serve as a non-voting member of the Steering Committee.
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Red Cross Red Crescent Movement MHPSS Hub Hejrevej 30, st. 2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark