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To relieve the overwhelmed mental health care systems in humanitarian contexts, it takes low-threshold services that can reach more people affected while taking into account the potential risks. In the emerging range of internet-based programmes for support and treatment, National Societies should be guided to develop safe programmes with good functional efficiency.
This step-by-step guide was created by and for the Red Cross Red Crescent network. It reflects the consolidated learnings of the 49 members of the Digital MHPSS Working Group members from a total of 21 National Societies from 4 regions as well as from the IFRC and the ICRC. It makes no claim to completeness or absolute validity. Its aim is to facilitate mutual learning and build on existing experiences.
Here you are provided with guidance for the different stages of the project cycle, placing a particular focus on the specifics of the digital service provision. The step-by-step guide contains important considerations, practical insights from a case study and helpful resources to develop cost-effective solutions within the existing technical platform DIRECT, provided by the Swiss Red Cross and the Freie Universtität Berlin.
Guides & Tools
Step-by-step guide on digital MHPSS solutions: Introduction
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Guides & Tools
Step-by-step guide on digital MHPSS solutions: Initial assessment phase
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Guides & Tools
Step-by-step guide on digital MHPSS solutions: The planning phase
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