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Job Opening: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Delegate

Duty station: Budapest

Duration: 10 months

Country: Hungary

Read more and apply for the position here:

IFRC job detail | IFRC

Job Purpose

Reporting to the IFRC Region Health and Care Coordinator, the Mental Health and Psychosocial support (MHPSS) delegate supporting the Covid-19 response at the Regional Office for Europe (ROE) is to support the inclusion and quality of MHPSS in the NSs of Europe region. The MHPSS is to develop the ROE work plan for future MHPSS and plan for the recovery phases. The MHPSS delegate will provide inputs for continuing assessment, programme and activities development, implementation and coordination if needed. The delegate act as technical advisors in matters of protection and psychosocial support (PSS), train, supervise, and monitor implementation of activities and interventions and ensure links to relevant IFRC structures in coordination with the technical advisor at the IFRC PS Centre. The MHPSS delegate must have RCRC experience and have knowledge of protection and psychosocial support in emergencies.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of key responsibilities:

  • Provide relevant contextualized methodological support to the NSs on quality mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) to individuals and communities affected by the pandemic
  • Ensure constant information sharing with and promote exchanges between National Societies in the Europe Region about MHPSS related actions and materials
  • Facilitate creation / adapting a regional package of IEC materials to be translated into local context and languages
  • Provide guidance to National Societies, strengthening National Societies’ auxiliary role with their respective public authorities on MHPSS aspects of COVID-19 response.
  • Coordinate with National Societies to ensure they have the necessary MHPSS tools and resources in the context of COVID-19
  • Ensure structures and systems are in place for caring for staff and volunteers, provision of MHPSS to first responders including staff and volunteers
  • Review National Societies programmes on MHPSS when consulted
  • Ensure MHPSS is integrated and mainstreamed across services provided by the National Societies
  • Asist National Societies in developing national MHPSS strategies
  • Participate in relevant MHPSS coordination and technical working group meetings
  • Document and disseminate best practices and learning from programmes to support regional institutional learning.
  • Assist in advocacy efforts for MHPSS needs and for integrating of protection and psychosocial support in multi-sectorial settings
  • Develop, finalize or offer technical advice on the Emergency Plan of Action with a focus on integration of MHPSS across all relevant sectors including outreach to communities
  • Liaise closely with the IFRC PS Reference Centre and the European Network of Psychosocial Support
  • Act as a Child Protection and PGI focal point if needed.

Assessment, planning and programme development

  • Provide Quality Assurance of assessment and program tools for MHPSS ensuring a mixed variety of methodologies
  • Provide remote training for assessment teams to carry out assessments and analyse findings in order to develop National Society Emergency Plan of Action (EPOA)
  • Support the adaptation of the ROE EPOA (and appeal) ensuring integration of MHPSS
  • Support mapping of referral services and pathways, and adaptation of relevant referral tools
  • Support the development of MHPSS PMEAL tools for ROE and NSs in Europe region
  • Assist planning on appropriate, timely, relevant and quality MHPSS

Capacity building and volunteer management

  • Support NSs in recruiting, screening, training, mentoring or supervising volunteers
  • Facilitate (remote) capacity building for NSs on MHPSS relevant approaches and interventions adapted for Covid19 response.
  • Support NSs MHPSS focal point(s) in adapting MHPSS activities to Covid19 response

Programmatic area

  • Adapt/develop a regional monitoring and evaluation system aligned with and based on IFRC and PS Centre standards
  • Provide input to programmes, interventions and strategies and appeals based on assessment findings that build on global minimum standards and identified best practices
  • Develop ROE MHPSS strategy
  • Support the development of country specific MHPSS strategies taking age, gender and diversity into consideration
  • Support the adaptation/development, of MHPSS materials/tools relevant for COVID19
  • Support the development of structures and mechanisms for staff and volunteers support
  • Actively work towards the achievement of the Federation Secretariat’s goals
  • Abide by and work in accordance with the Red Cross and Red Crescent principles
  • Perform any other work-related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by the line manager

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