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IC34: Hope glows red

The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has a significant place in history and remains a key-event in the humanitarian world. The 34th edition came at a time when challenges across the globe are more severe and urgent than ever before – with armed conflict, emergencies and disasters impacting populations.

“Walking through the conference venue in Geneva is both worrying and uplifting. Worrying because this short journey takes you through the full scale of global humanitarian challenges. Uplifting because with every step you pass a colleague working to make a difference for the people in need. They may be drafting resolutions or finding common ground in the direction of the Movement, they may be demonstrating in virtual reality how to pass a check point in volatile areas to get to exposed populations, or they might indeed be discussing latest mental health and psychosocial support research or methodology. But whatever they are doing they represent hope,” says Nana Wiedemann Director of the IFRC Psychosocial Centre, soon to become Red Cross Red Crescent Movement MHPSS Hub.  

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) is safely anchored in Movement policies, strategies and operations and that was also reflected at the IC34. A few highlights below:

  • IFRC Europe social media platforms live-streamed a panel discussion on MHPSS with PS Centre experts and a Dutch government representative from the pop-up studio at the conference venue.  
  • The MHPSS booth in the Humanitarian Village was run by the PS Centre and MHPSS Roadmap project partners including Swedish and Swiss Red Cross Societies as well as MHPSS representatives from ICRC and IFRC and colleagues from Greenlandic Red Cross and Red Cross Netherlands. The booth was visited by colleagues from all over the globe and hosted a reception with the Netherlands government and a launch event with partners of the new Movement MHPSS Hub, including the Secretaries General from IFRC and the Danish Red Cross as well as ICRC’s Director-General.
  • The side-event ‘From commitment to impact: MHPSS in action’ brought together a panel consisting of representatives of the Netherlands government, Colombian Red Cross, Lebanese Red Cross, and the Danish Red Cross. It was moderated by the Hong Kong Red Cross Branch and AP MHPSS Training and Learning Collaborative representative, and the audience included state representatives, RCRC National Societies and external organisations.
  • The side-event was followed by a reception hosted by the Swedish Red Cross with speeches by IFRC, ICRC and National Societies, including the British Red Cross and the Secretary General from Hong Kong Red Cross Branch hosting the AP MHPSS Training and Learning Collaborative.

Find a picture compilation covering the main events here

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