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New resources: Mental Health and Community-based Psychosocial Support Training for Staff and Volunteers

The PS Centre has released two psychosocial support training resources in English, Farsi and Arabic for staff and volunteers. The resources were produced in collaboration with Yemen Red Crescent Society and Danish Red Cross and funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO).

The first guide, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Primary Health Care, provides guidance on how to support people experiencing emotional distress in emergency settings and/or mental illness that impairs their day-to-day functioning. It is intended for PHC staff involved in promoting mental health in their community and addressing issues related to emotional and mental distress.

The second resource, Community-based Psychosocial Support Training Manual for Staff and Volunteers, is a training manual for delivering 4 days of training on Community Based Psychosocial Support (CBPSS). It includes an introduction to CBPSS and detailed guidance on how, when, and why to conduct training as well as the recommended duration for each training.

Guides & Tools
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Primary Health Care Settings
View now
Guides & Tools
Community-based Psychosocial Support Training Manual for Staff and Volunteers
View now

More MHPSS and CBPSS resources can be found in the PS Centre resource library.

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