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Keep updated on latest MHPSS material related to COVID-19

Previous epidemics have shown that mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) should be a priority as a part of all responses. It is normal for the general population to feel much more anxious than usual, the level of stress further increases if anyone in the area is infected, and recent studies have found that being quarantined has negative psychological effects. When the levels of anxiety and stress increase, this may impact the ability to function normally, rationally and to adhere to medical advice. Those with mental health problems may have difficulties understanding advice and instructions given to the general public, and not see how this is related to them. The provision of MHPSS can minimize the worry, help people adapt to the new situation by suggesting sound coping strategies and the MHPSS teams can act as intermediary for those hospitalized, to give a few examples.

The IFRC PS Centre, National Societies and Inter-Agency Standing Committee for MHPSS have released guidelines for how staff and volunteers can support different target groups as well as information and educational materials for the general public, for providers and for older people.

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